Bug Bite Balm is available at stores all across the country, including our friends at Tractor Supply Company, CAL Ranch, D&B Supply, Big R West, Atwoods, Farm Supply, and Grayco. Use our Store Finder to find the location nearest to you. Or you can pick up a tube on Amazon.

Introducing Our NEW Bug Bite Balm
Here at Nature’s Willow®, we’re always thinking about how we can help hard-working folks live life as pain free as possible. Often that’s our Willow Balm providing relief from the aches and pains of a hard day’s work. But we know pain comes in all shapes and sizes, and for our people that love being outdoors (like we do) something as small as a bug bite can cause all sorts of discomfort. So we set out to create a natural itch relief cream for bug bites, and made with the very best ingredients.
Just in time for Summer, we’re thrilled to introduce the newest addition to the Nature’s Willow® family…our Bug Bite Balm itch relief cream.
Fast Bug Bite Itch Relief When You Need
Bug bites are part of being outdoors, and we love the outdoors. So when you’re outside having fun in the yard, on a hike, or just relaxing on the porch take our Bug Bite Balm with you. Our blend of white willow bark and helichrysum provides relief for a bite’s pain, itch, and swelling. Just dab a bit on the affected area up to 3 or 4 times a day.
Powerful Natural Ingredients
Nature’s Willow® Bug Bite Balm is powered by natural ingredients like white willow bark, helichrysum, lemongrass, lavender, and camphor. These naturally derived oils attack the inflammation and itchiness, helping to take the misery out of bug bites. And Bug Bite Balm uses a sunflower oil base which is loaded with vitamin E and helps soothe and heal your skin.
Itch Relief for the Outdoors
Bug bites are a part of being outdoors, and that’s where hard working folks are whether it’s for work or play. We want to bring relief from those bug bites, and do it with natural ingredients that work better and are better. Our Bug Bite Balm is for anyone who gets a bug bite…which is pretty much everyone who heads outdoors in the spring and summer! And yes, Bug Bite Balm is great and safe for kids too.